I have a build on Firebase 6.14.1 building with 2019.12.f1 which was previously working but is now failing as of today (July 14th) due to an error that appears to start in : FIRAuthErrorUtils.m
We updated that other build to 6.15.2 to fix the 6.15.x issues that thread above, but it has also started failing in the same spot, which leads me to believe this is now a UCB issue, not Firebase.
Experiencing the same issue here; Build gets to the very end, and then fails with the same error, albeit not tripped by exactly the same file as the OP.
66002: ▸ Compiling NSError+FIRMessaging.m
66003: ▸ Compiling NSDictionary+FIRMessaging.m
66004: ▸ Compiling GtalkExtensions.pbobjc.m
66005: ▸ Compiling GtalkCore.pbobjc.m
66006: ▸ Building library libFirebaseRemoteConfig.a
66007: ▸ Compiling FirebaseMessaging-dummy.m
66008: ▸ Compiling FIRMessagingVersionUtilities.m
66009: ▸ Compiling FIRMessagingUtilities.m
66010: ▸ Compiling FIRMessagingTopicOperation.m
66011: ▸ Compiling FIRMessagingSyncMessageManager.m
66012: ▸ Compiling FIRMessagingSecureSocket.m
66013: Could not read serialized diagnostics file: Cannot Load File: Failed to open diagnostics file (in target ‘FirebaseMessaging’ from project ‘Pods’)
66014: ▸ Compiling FIRMessagingRmqManager.m
66015: ▸ Compiling FIRMessagingRemoteNotificationsProxy.m
66016: ; /BUILD_PATH/PATH_TO_APP/temp20200714-6861-1n5fotk/Pods/Headers/Private/GoogleUtilities/GULAppDelegateSwizzler.h:19:9: ‘GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler/Private/GULApplication.h’ file not found
It looks like Google just released a broken version of the GoogleUtilities dependency. If you clear your local cocoapods repository then you should encounter the same issue when building locally.
If you update your dependencies to explicitly require GoogleUtilities 6.6.0 then that should resolve this issue - though you may run into new issues caused by other dependencies which require GoogleUtilities 6.7.0. You can probably resolve any issues encountered this way by adding more explicit dependency requirements - take a look at which dependencies were used in your last successful build. Alternatively, Google are most likely already aware of this issue and I would expect to see a fixed version published soon.
I managed to fix local builds by adding this to my pod file:
pod 'GoogleUtilities', '6.6.0'
Does anyone know how to add that to Unity project? We’re using Firebase 6.15.0. We use the Package Manager, so any pointers as to how to add this dependency would be appreciated.
I am using cloud build and I get this issue as well. Im trying to solve this on unity cloud build and this might solve the issue. It takes over an hour to build via cloud so I dont know yet.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.IO;
using UnityEditor.Callbacks;
using UnityEditor;
public class PostProcessIOS : MonoBehaviour
[PostProcessBuildAttribute(45)]//must be between 40 and 50 to ensure that it's not overriden by Podfile generation (40) and that it's added before "pod install" (50)
private static void PostProcessBuild_iOS(BuildTarget target, string buildPath)
if (target == BuildTarget.iOS)
using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(buildPath + "/Podfile"))
sw.WriteLine("\n pod 'GoogleUtilities', '6.6.0'\n");