I realize this probably belongs in about 3 different forums so posting in general since it arcs a lot of topics.
I have an AR app I’m building using AR Foundation, Addressables, and Cloud Build. Everything works great! But I’ve hit a weird block and I’m not sure what the workflow is to move forward.
iOS now requires the use of Apple’s storyboards. I can easily create and port a storyboard into my streamingassets folder and enable the use of the storyboard in Unity BUT - to do so I should be unchecking the “show splashscreen” option. If I do so, sync the changes to my repo, and run a build in UCB then my Android version will not have a splash screen (since the option is linked between android and iOS).
Does this mean I now have to turn on storyboards + turn off splash screen > sync repo > do iOS build > turn on splash > sync again > do Android build?