UCB with git branching model

Hey everyone,

I was wondering about your experiences using the UCB in projects that are using a git branching model.

In our experience it seems to halt and crash far to often. The team has sometimes been receiving a memory stream error, in the Unity Editor, while switching between branches and I think the same might be happening to the cloud build.

Clone-> Switch to Develop → Memory Stream Error takes an incredibly long time. And really affects continuous delivery.

Attached is an image of our last builds off the develop branch.

I believe this also might just be a bug relating to baking lights… The process always seems to restart when it reaches this point UCB_Restart · GitHub

Have you already reported a bug related to the general Editor behaviour? If the editor crashes or takes long, it will have the same behaviour in UCB. We will check if we can adjust the watch dogs to give it more time or something similar. I’ll let you know once I have more information.