UCE001 ';' expected. Insert a semi colon at the end

I keep getting this error so I can’t test my code (it’s referring to the variable declaring part I think). But there is a semi colon at the end?

var backgroundList[];
var parallaxScales[];
var smoothing: float = 1;
var cam: Transform;
var previousCamPos: Vector3;

function Awake() {
	cam = Camera.main.transform;

function Start () {
	previousCamPos = cam.position;
	parallaxScales = new float[backgroundList.length];
	for (i = 0; i < backgroundList.Length; i++) {
		parallaxScales <em>= backgroundList_.position.z*-1;_</em>

* }*

function Update () {
* for (i = 0; i < backgroundList.Length; i++) {*
_ var parallax = (previousCamPos.x - cam.position.x) * parallaxScales*;*_

_ var backgroundTargetPosX = backgrounds*.position.x + parallax;*_

var backgroundTargetPos = new Vector3 (backgroundTargetPosX, backgroundList_.position.y, backgroundList*.position.z);*
backgroundList.position = Vector3.Lerp (backgroundList.position, backgroundTargetPos, smoothing * Time.deltaTime);_

* }*
* previousCamPos = cam.position;*

I don’t use Unityscript, but your first two lines just look wrong. I guess you’re trying to declare backgroundList and parallaxScales as arrays, but arrays of what?

At a guess:

var backgroundList : Transform[];
var parallaxScales : float[];