UDP app signature?

I am almost done filling out all the information to publish my game with UDP. Right now I am stuck on the app signature part. It gave me some text to run in command prompt. The instructions say to use your own keystore and password. I have no idea what a keystore is or how to make one. What should I do? Thanks in advance.

Heya @jamesorion44 , Im at the same stage. The way I didz it:

  1. Go to Player Settings (Files → Build Settings → Player Settings is one way of finding it).

  2. Then Select your platform (android in my case).

  3. Find Publishing Settings Tab (last one)

  4. Go to Keystore Manager and create new keystore (follow the instructions, it doesnt matter where you save it. I decided to save it one folder above my project) Remember password(s) you’ve used and remember your alias, you will need them later.

  5. After you’ve created your keystore click use it for your project. Unity will fill out all the required info for you.

  6. Build your game with selected keystore.

  7. Depending on your familiarity with command line either download PEPK in the same folder as your key or anywhere you like. (I chose to save all my stuff at C:// . so when I started cmd(in Admin) I simply cd … untill I got to C and ran the command.

  8. Copy paste command provided in UDP to command line replacing example with your files, for me it was --keystore user.keystore and–alias spoopy. The rest is unchanged.

If everything went well, it should ask you for passwords to your keystore and alias. After that the program will do what it needs to do and you should have output.zip created in your folder.

Hope that helped. (: