UDP server side payment validation

Hi, I’m reading the docs here: Implementing UDP IAP on the server side | Package Manager UI website but I don’t really understand how I can validate the payment server side.

For the moment my app is published on Android (google play store) and IOS and I have a php script that validate the receipts from the UnityPurchasing module that validate payments and deliver items to the users.

I would like to do the same to validate UDP payments, I see in the doc that I can call the url:
/udp/developer/api/order?orderQueryToken=&sign= to validate it but it’s not a valid url it’s missing the domain…
Or do I have to implement the callback system to make it work ?
(note I would prefer to use UnityIAP system than UDP package)

Thanks by advance for your help.

Hi, I’m trying to implement the callback system:

For information I didn’t publish the app yet, I just try in sandbox mode but it have to work in sandbox mode too no ?


Would like to check do you still have problem for the server side callbacks implementation? We have some updates since your enquiry last time and it might worth to take a look at our latest documentation.


As UDP was still in preview and laks some testing stuff I didn’t use it for my game.
Maybe I’ll try it on an other game as it’s now a validated package.
Thanks for the update.

UDP have been official launched. Please try it out and if you have any questions please reach out to us in the forum or email to udpsupport@unity3d.com