UE4 Mannequin Man model reusable?

So I notice the ‘Max’ asset pack had a Mage Animset using the UE4 Mannequin Man model. Is this allowed in their redist/eula terms?

Edit: It is not, they issued a takedown and the author replaced the model with Unity-Chan.

I think any content created by epic can only be used within UE4 Engine. This person is most likely infringing some copyrights…
He should have used the challenger, Ethan or the robot Kyle to showcase his animation for unity…
They are great though, he’s been selling these first in UE4 Marketplace

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@SaraCecilia could you ask someone about this?

really not sure if you’re asking the right person to get some valuable info. If you want to know what you can do with Epic’s content you should head over to their specific forum.

30% profits to Unity says that yes, Unity is very interested in avoiding problems. While Unity won’t be at fault here, it’s still a problem.

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Yeah, wanted to post here first in case someone knew the answer.

My first answer is most likely the rightest one. The content they published from their infinity blade game had to be used within the UE4 editor. I can’t think of any reason why they would do something different with some other content they created.

I’m aware of that. Hence the question for clarification, since the AS team approved these assets.

I have recently been victim of copyright infringement… A publisher published my content (bear, wolf) without the smoothing groups to give the trendy low poly style… I recognize that right away and ask to take that down… reviewers can’t know everything… hence stuff slip through the net…


Pinged the AS team.

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