The only thing I can think about that would require a larger change to the homepage is that the 19$/month will be gone.
Edit: Back online. Yey, I was right
The only thing I can think about that would require a larger change to the homepage is that the 19$/month will be gone.
Edit: Back online. Yey, I was right
Why not post it to existing non locked UE threads? new thread every time something happens in the UE land makes the lock thread button look shiny…
Because the title of the thread should have something to do with the content of the thread?
Come on now, UE4 website index page is down? This probably should go into one of the other UE4 threads (Or their own forums), as opposed to a new thread being made on the Official Unity Forums.
I wish I was a mod. Bestow powers to me, Aurore!
I’d wait for an actual announcement before posting topics about it in another forum. Then, the title WILL have something to do with the content, and we can see if it warrants its own thread or can be put into another UE4 thread.
Otherwise, I agree, this looks rather lockable.
I think that a game engine can be commercially sustaintable with a little montly susbcription and a little royaltie, for example us$9.99/mo and 5% royalties.
the U site is online now, UNREAL IS FREEEEEEEEEE.
Free forever, free game with every asset you import, $20 steam credit when you create an account, and 5% royalty played to you instead.
Unity Mods decided to hack Unreal Engine website down so people would stop posting UE related announcements. The End.
are you Nostradamus thxfoo?
unreal is crazy! really…
the king is crazy but is the king.
A good deal for me
Pay 20$ get 30$.
5% royalties on anything you make is definetly not free.
Aaaand now their site is back up. So this thread is concluded. It was a mini adventure!