UFPS Cant Turn Player Character

I have a UFPS controller that I am actually trying to use as a third person controller. The controller works completely fine until I add a vp_Body Animator OR vp_FP Body Animator component (which i assume i need to animate the players body?). At that point the player animates just fine but they stop turning left and right, instead the players head rotates in place on the players shoulders until the head gets about 90 degrees left or right at which point the camera starts flipping out.

Has anyone else run into this? or something like this? It seems weird that the ufps character controller would be incompatible with the ufps body animator so I must be doing something wrong. I’ll keep looking through the documentation and tutorials videos but I don’t think I’m doing anything too inconsistent with their examples.

So turns out that the vp_FP Body Animator needs to be a child of the player controller or it completely flips out. easy fix I guess. making that change allows me to move around freely and have an animated character. now just to figure out why my characters head gets all twisted up at runtime XD