UGS: All clients connected but neither Network variables nor RPC work on clients

I am working on a 4 player online multiplayer card game. I am using Netcode for GameObjects to perform network operations without prefabs.

In the lobby manager scene, i wait for all player to join and once all 4 have joined the host can start the game. Once started, the I update the lobby with the flag that the game has started and all the clients also move to the Game scene. I have attached NetworkObject to my GameManager object. In the Start method for the GameManager, I check if i am the host, i start as host or else as client. I can see that the clients are getting connected and stay on connected state. I have some NetworkVariables such as currentPlayerIndex, etc. Which I need to be sync on all clients.
I create a single build on my mac and copy that to create 4 instances. I run one of the builds as a host and others as clients.
I have added OnValueChanged handler in the code but, the value on reflects on host but not on any client. To verify if the OnValueChanged method is called on client i have also added some logs, even which are not displayed.

There is some commented code as i first tried with relay, and when that was not working i went with local setup. The local setup is still not working.


void Start()
    if (commonSingleton.isHost)
        joinCode = commonSingleton.lobby.Data["relayCode"].Value;

void CreateRelay()
        //allocation = await RelayService.Instance.CreateAllocationAsync(numberOfPlayers);
        //joinCode = await RelayService.Instance.GetJoinCodeAsync(allocation.AllocationId);
        Debug.Log("=>>>>>>>>>>>Join Code :" + joinCode);

        //var relayServerData = new RelayServerData(allocation, "dtls");
        Debug.Log("Host initialized. Waiting for clients...");
    catch (Exception e)
        Debug.Log("Relay connection failed");

void JoinRelay()
        //Debug.Log("=>>>>>>>>>>>Joining with Code :" + joinCode);
        //JoinAllocation joinAllocation = await RelayService.Instance.JoinAllocationAsync(joinCode);
        //Debug.Log("=>>>>>>>>>>>Joined with code :" + joinCode);

        //var relayServerData = new RelayServerData(joinAllocation, "dtls");
    catch (Exception e)
        Debug.LogError("Relay connection failed : " + e.Message);
public override void OnNetworkSpawn()
    deckManager = GetComponent<DeckManager>();
    commonSingleton = CommonSingleton.Singleton();
    teamDetailsManager = GetComponent<TeamDetailsManager>();
    numberOfPlayers = commonSingleton.numberOfPlayers;

    if (IsServer)
        NetworkManager.Singleton.OnClientConnectedCallback += HandleOnClientConnected;
        NetworkManager.Singleton.OnClientDisconnectCallback += HandleOnClientDisconnected;

        //foreach (NetworkClient client in NetworkManager.Singleton.ConnectedClientsList)
        //    HandleOnClientConnected(client.ClientId);

    if (IsClient) {
        currentClientId.OnValueChanged += ClientIdChanged;
void HandleOnClientConnected(ulong clientId)
    players.Add(new PlayerData(clientId, players.Count, 0, players.Count % 2));
    Debug.Log("Client connected with id:" + clientId);
    // todo add player team index
    if (players.Count == numberOfPlayers)

Can anybody help me understand if i am missing anything?

I figured it out. Coping build multiple times will not work on mac.
I used open -n to open new build from terminal and all network operations are now working.