UI - Builder | core ui elements Unity 5 UI

Hi everyone !
Do you need core UI Elements to start building your first Game or App? Are you a professional and want to speed up your workflow? No matter your experience, we have EXACTLY what you need!

200+ Sliced Elements | 130+ Pixel Perfect Icons | 1 Font with 10 Styles | 70+ drag’n’drop components | 30+ Classic App Examples | 23+ Fundamental Game Examples | 3 iWatch Examples | 20+ Color Schemes | 9 HD Photography Images

UI Builder is a revolutionary, customizable UI-kit that contains ready-made elements to mix, match & build your own User Interface for an App or a Game. It is also a great tool for quick & easy creating and slicing high quality GUI skins & sprites for new Unity GUI.

Video :


Creating your own awesome-looking custom interface has never been so easy before!

UI Builder is the most beautiful UI bundle on the Asset Store. It has been created with developers and designers in mind, using our in-depth knowledge about fundamentals of the design process. We have created this asset using perfectly matched color schemes, well balanced composition and hand-crafted, easy-on-the-eye proportions of each element.

Features :

  • Quickly create good looking UI elements
  • Constant updates and new features
  • Active development & support
  • Clean modern styles
  • Easy to use for beginners and professionals

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Very clever and profesionnal asset ! Well done

Thank you !

Looks like very good asset, well worth the money :slight_smile: good job! :slight_smile:

Wow, looks superb! Definitely keeping this in the wish list! Are there any planned updates (I know you have just released it, just curious :))?

Thanks !

@mimminito What would you like to see in next releases :slight_smile: ? Ofc We are going to make more updates with new content based on customers ideas :).

I suppose more icons would be great. There always comes the case where there isn’t one icon you need haha :slight_smile:

We’d really like to work with you guys ! So @mimminito : If you’d like to see some specific icon, please tell us and we’ll included in the next update.

Tom :slight_smile:

Thats great to know the level of support you provide, thats such a good selling point for assets these days. As I said this is top of my list for my next project, UI is not my strong point :slight_smile:

Woah! I’m all about doing UI by myself so I will not be a client, but I still wanted to say that this asset looks fantastic in all its parts. Great job :slight_smile:

Check the video that shows all features of UI - Builder.

Got this and now I have a beginner’s question for you. I’m seemingly unable to get the camera size, world units, panel sizes, and the Beffio elements to all sync to the same size. For example, I start a fresh project with the UI builder imported, drag it on to a scene, and the camera can’t seem to find it. Or, the element is much bigger than the camera view. I know this seems rudimentary, but it’d really help if you had an example of just using one of your elements from soup to nuts. Like a video or a project that uses one element (so we can see how it all fits together). The scene with everything all at once (UI - Builder Scene) is just too much at once.

Hey guys, great asset, I’ve been using it and it’s pretty good. I have some requests for future updates, I may not be using it the correct way so let me know if these are valid:

  • What is the default size for Canvas with screen overlay? Maybe if you guys can include some instructions to let us know what are the default sizes for the elements. For example I’m developing for iPad, I’m using 1024 x 768 as my default screen size and some elements seems too big for 1x and too small for 2x on the prefabs, this made me resize a lot of the elements manually.
  • Some sprites are not easily divisible by 2
  • Some sprites with small corner radios have borders that are too big
  • Inconsistencies with corner radius on different outline sizes
  • Maybe include some different transitions styles so we can copy the component values and apply to the UI.

Hi there,

If you want to have some specific app just some app or a game change the transofrm position to 0,0,0. Select in a canvas render mode to screenspace overlay (note that you have to change resolution in game view to be the same as the size of an app for iPhone 640x1136 iPad 2048x1536). Second way is a to change canvas render mode to world space. Set in game view resoultion and then change the camera position to 0,0,0 also remeber to check clipping planes for camera in space. I will make a small video how to make that and also Im going to make an updaded in few days I will add sample scene with example of an app.

Hi thanks that you like it!

  • There is no default size for a canvas with screen overlay. It depends on resolution that is set on the game view but as I said before for an iPhone 640x1136 iPad 2048x1536. New UI tools give you possibility to fix scale just in few seconds for an ipad in canvas scaler change scale factor to 0.5 and it will automatically goes to 1024x768 (this is a recommended technique by Unity Tech Guys they said that sprites will still look really crispy if you will choose pixel perfect). I will also make some small tuts how to make this.
  • If you want to change size of sprites change their scale to 0.5 it’s the best way don’t try to change their proportions. In new Unity tools there is no need for specific sprite to be in a resolution that can be divided by 2 because finally in the background they will all be packed into one atlas. This atlas will be created on the fly(so it will be make automatically) and the the final texture will be the power of 2 size.
  • Ok thanks for info. I will fix that in next update!
  • That was the idea. We choose only the most common sizes. If you would like to see more radiuses and outlines just write here and I will try to add them in next updates
  • What do you mean by transitions? Are you talking about animations of UI ?

Thanks! We really happy to help you and We really appreciate that you like our asset!

Tom Lassota

I think I found what was the problem, some elements on the prefabs have been scaled down, maybe to fit on the prefab that contains all elements. The input samples have scale 0.6, if I change to 1.0 they looks compatible with the size of the other elements. Also I think I understand now that I shouldn’t base my layout on 1024x768 to scale by 2 and should base it on 2048x1536 and then put scale 0.5 on the canvas, I was doing the other way around :/.

Basically your 1x sprites are for retina already, I got the wrong impression because on iOS 1x is non retina resolution IIRC.

I was asking about this one because I was basing my layout on 1024x768 to scale by 2 later. I’m still getting a ugly look on the sprites that are not divisible by 2 when I play on the editor, I still have to check if it happens on the final build.

I like the sizes, the problem is that for example CornerPanelRadius_1px_Stroke_20px doesn’t have a corner radius of 1px anymore, because the stroke is centered to the source vector line I guess. To me it seems the wrong approach to have varying corner radius for the same 1px corner radius category. If this was intended then I will just create more variations for what I’m doing.

Transitions like when the button is highlighted or disabled, it has color tint, sprite swap and animation options for transitions, my suggestion was to have some transition examples with different styles included on the asset :).

Its a great UI package, you have taken unity to next level with your package !
I have a question, do you believe that you are able to develop business app in unity engine with the help of your UI builder ?
talking about Data CRUD operation, listing hug amount of data, sorting, pagination, etc…

Unity 5 compatible?

@1.29 on the video, you have spelt Standard wrong, it says “Standart”, The pack looks awesome, a little expensive, but from the potential I can see, well worth it if your project is UI heavy.
Very nice work.

Yes always start with retina and then scale it to 1024. Because sprites will always look better when downsizing as compared to upsizing.

Yes 1x is retina ready. I think you gave me a nice suggestion. I will look into it in the next updates.

Regarding to your question about sprites quality. Try check the quality settings. Change all of them to maximum and antialiasing to 2-8x. If you want to have pixel perfect results, your window cannot be scaled because your Unity windows don’t have space to maximize.

Yes, that was intended - we are using the same method as in Adobe Illustrator to create strokes with corner radiuses.

Transitions are included in our roadmap for future features. I think we are going to add them next month.


With UI - Builder we provide all fundamental UI elements that are a complete tool kit that allows you to build your own UI or use ready-made templates. If you would like to integrate something that works dynamically, I think you will have to code it all yourself. It’s very easy to use each element of our UI system, but if you’d like to work with our asset all procedurally or dynamically, basically you have to customize it and integrate to your system yourself.

Yes it’s compatible with Unity 5.

Thanks for the info. Problem is that on youtube you cannot re-upload same video again.

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I know you said you are addressing this, but I just wanted to add in that one of the most needed things right now is addressing configuring a new project. Currently, just following the Documentation PDF and opening the “all templates” scene is not enough to successfully get things working. I had to fiddle around with Camera size and other parameters just to get the UI to render on screen.

Also, can you please clarify how the onClick / event system works? I was assuming that in the Canvas you would just specify which Camera object was responsible for receiving events, and then you can do pre-defined triggers for an object onClick (e.g. toggle the active state of a GameObject), but this doesn’t seem to work.

So to re-iterate, we need more details:

• New project configuration
• Click event handling
