Hello, everyone
I have a small bug in my current project which affects a specific button. What I mean is that I have other buttons in the same scene which do not share this bug. I thought it may be an issue with the button I’ve created, so I made a new button from scratch in the same place in the scene heirarchy, but it also retained the bug.
The issue is as follows:
I have a script which changes the color of the button based on some text value, which is called every Update:
private void ChangeButtonBasedOnTitle(GameObject titleObject)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> title in titles)
if (title.Key == titleObject.GetComponent<TextMeshProUGUI>().text)
if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(title.Key) == false)
myButton.GetComponentInChildren<TextMeshProUGUI>().text = title.Value.ToString();
myButton.GetComponent<Image>().color = new Color(248f, 104f, 104f);
else if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt(title.Key) == 1)
myButton.GetComponentInChildren<TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "Equipped";
myButton.GetComponent<Image>().color = new Color(150f, 255f, 129f);
myButton.GetComponentInChildren<TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "Equip";
myButton.GetComponent<Image>().color = new Color(255, 231, 129f);
The script works as intended - it changes the color of the Image component of the button. However, during runtime something strange happens - the button appears white despite the fact that its Image component has the colored value:
I’ve noticed that changing the Normal Color value of the Button component changes the color of the button completely, but I’m pretty sure that’s just what happens when a button is white and its normal color value is changed.
Has anyone encountered this before? Any idea on how to fix it?
I can workaround by changing the Normal Color field, but making whole Color Fields seems a bit drastic.
Thanks in advance!