UI buttons at Timescale 0

Hi,I’m experimenting with Unity UI in Hololens. I’m trying to have the game start at Timescale 0 at the start then pressing a button to change it to 1. But apparently, when Timescale is 0, airtapping/clicking doesn’t work. I tried it with the timescale at 1 at the start and the OnClick events work but when it’s in 0, it doesn’t. Trying it on Unity Editor, it works but in the Hololens Emulator or the device itself, there is a problem with UI interactions at timescale 0.


That is not really the best thing, timescale set to 0 = pause and locks the engine. So you would want to have the timescale set to 1.

Let us know if you have any other questions.

Thank you,

TimeScale as a float, could you not experiment with 0.1 to start?