UI Buttons, Raycasts and Touch

Hi all, when I click in my project it performs a raycast and returns the object that is encountered and performs a function, except when I click on a UI button, it doesn’t as the UI element “blocks” the raycast. This is desired behavior, so, so far so good.

The issue that I’m coming up against is this only happens when I click with my mouse. I’m building for a mobile platform, and when I test on a touchscreen and tap on a button the button works as expected except the raycast is not “blocked”. is there a reason that touch and click would be treated differently in this context? FWIW, my script uses the code below in update to listen to both touch and click:

if (EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject())
                //THIS CODE RUNS
            if (Input.touchCount > 0)
                if (EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject(Input.touches[0].fingerId))
                    //THIS CODE DOSN'T RUN :(