Hi, I am trying to change the color of the timer to red(warningColor) once it reaches below a certain time. But when i play the game and the countDown reaches 10 or below all the text elements(timer, level name, score) turn red(warningColor) and stay red even when i exit play mode, and reset back to white when i enter play mode again.
briefly, how do i change timer’s color without affecting the other?
public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject player;
public GameObject obstacle;
public Text timer;
public Text score;
public Text levelName;
public float countDown;
public Color warningColor;
public Color defaultColor;
void Start()
void Update()
void DisplayScore()
score.text = player.transform.position.z.ToString("0");
void LevelName()
levelName.text = "Level: " + SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex + 1.ToString();
void Timer()
countDown -= 1 * Time.deltaTime;
timer.text = "Time Left: " + countDown.ToString("0");
if (countDown <= 0)
countDown = 0;
Debug.Log("Time's Up");
if(countDown <= 10)
timer.material.color = warningColor;
timer.material.color = defaultColor;
void Fall()
if(player.transform.position.y < -5)