UI document is not showing up

I have a blank scene with camera set to render a dark solid color. A new UI document is created with editor window. A UI document has been added to the scene and attached the uxml file. Also created a panel settings asset to test if its working or not. I have starter assets for third person controller imported.

No UI document is showing up in my scene in play mode and regular window. I have been trying it for a few hours.


Is there a runtime theme stylesheet set to the panel settings? That’s a commonly forgotten asset to create. There should be a warning at the top of the panel settings to show how to create one.

I created an empty style sheet and assigned it to the test panel settings asset. The theme style sheet is also a empty one. Everything in it is empty files.

Is your theme style sheet referencing the default one? Without it, none of the default Unity styling will be in effect.