If you want to author runtime UI, you need to install the UIToolkit package as well. Read “How to get started?” in the following thread for the instructions:
Hi everyone,
We're excited to share the first version of the new UI Toolkit package, expanding on the existing VisualElement tech stack (formerly UIElements) to include visual authoring workflows and runtime support.
If you’re interested in trying it, read on!
What’s new?
Let’s start with the name. UI Toolkit was formerly known as UIElements . This marks the beginning of the transition to the new name.
UI Toolkit can now be distributed as a package, which makes it more convenient to get…
The latest version is specified here:
We'll use this thread to announce UI Toolkit preview releases and what they contain.
You can refer to the initial announcement thread to get more information about the UI Toolkit package and how to get started.
As always, please start a new thread if you want to report a bug or want to provide feedback on a specific topic.
Here's what we're currently working on:
New text workflow - including rich text
More platform coverage
Stability improvements