Hello gents,
I’ve had a bit of a problem recently and the only relevant google search associated with my problem was to downgrade Unity version Perhaps you’ve encountered this problem before and might give me a hand !
5 seconds video to explain my issue
No error in editor. In build version, when popping up the Tooltip (pointer enter 1s on spell icon), the UI flickers or/and spells icons gets displaced for 1 frame, ~= 10% chance of happening every tooltip call (See 5s Video above).
Timer for ToolTip (timer = 0 when PointerEnter of button is called, timer = -1 when ToolTipOn/PointerExit called):
float time = -1;
UIToolBox uitb;
public void Awake()
uitb = FindObjectOfType<UIToolBox>();
public void Update()
if (time >= 0)
time += Time.deltaTime;
if (time > 1)
uitb.ToolTipOn(spell.desc, buttonpos);
time = -1;
Tooltip showing up = RawImage.enabled. (tried with go.SetActive, same problem)
Tooltip content = 1 RawImage, 1 Text
All icons/base UI are RawImage. ( tried before with Image, same problem)
using Unity 2020.1.7f1 (Latest)
My canvas Tree:
Ask for additional info if needed
Thank you!