Hi everyone, I stumped into a problem which i can't find the correct solution for.
Basically, I'm making a graph for a racing game creating a custom mesh on the OnPopulateMesh method provided by the Graphic UI class. In this graph I display the speed of the car throughout the lap. Every update loop i add a new point to the graph and connect it to the previous point on the OnPopulateMesh(). This method works perfectly fine when the graph is the only element changing, but the moment I add a text, say to show the actual speed of the car, the graph will clear its self every update.
I've been reading the documentation and the entirety of the canvas will update its serlf whenever an element changes, the thing is that i don't want the vertexhelper of the graph to clears its self everytime.
The only solution I can think of is to repaint the entire graph mesh every update, but I don't know if this is the best solucion as the graph can end up with over 6k points during a lap and could afect performance.
I've also tried to divide the UI into two seperate canvases but the problem is still there
I hope I have expressed myself clearly enough to understand the problem. Have a great day everyone!