UI Image causing faded UI text

Morning Crew,

As in the attached image (i have misaligned the text to show the contrast) my semi transparent background png is causing the black text & white text to fade to shades of grey.

All UI elements are inside the same canvas. I have tried changing material of both, changing their order in the hierarchy, changing their relative Z position and the effect remains the same.

How do I keep my text the pure white or black as intended?

Thank you.

It looks less like the text is the issue and more that the text is behind the image. If the text is below the images in the hierarchy?
Or is the camera set to Perspective? if it is then it may be the text is further back in the Z plane than the background.
The issue does definitely look like an ordering issue.

Thank you MJ, the UI text is faded even if i move the text a meter or more in front (or behind) of the background UI image! As stated originally, the hierarchy order and z position have no effect on the fadedness.

The cam is set to perspective, but it’s VR so that can’t change and surely that won’t effect this issue? Also i changed to Orth as a test but the faded text remains the same. The alphas of both the text and bg image are 100%.

SOLVED! (is there a solved button?)

The UI text needed to go on a new canvas with the “order in Layer” set to a higher number than the other canvas.

Thank you for the tips, they led me to my solution!