UI Input: Hide Input Issue on Android

I’m trying to hide the input on Android device, and it does hide on the device but the Input field doesn’t behave like the native Input field. The text is not selectable and the delete key doesn’t work. It’s annoying that hide input is of no use from a long time and still there. Is it a Unity bug? How do I solve this issue?

Add to that, it looks like hiding the native input field got broken in Unity 5.0.0f4. Even though the checkbox is checked, the native input field is no longer hidden on Android. (I don’t know if iOS has an equivalent of that native input field, but if it does, the bug does not appear on iOS.)

I reported the issue to Unity. But it seems like they don’t really care about this issue. Doesn’t seem to be on their priority list. :frowning:

I reported the same bug today. It’s not about UI system. It’s about native keyboard support which is about this code:

“TouchScreenKeyboard.hideInput = true;” is not working in Unity 5.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class custom : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
TouchScreenKeyboard.hideInput = true;

void OnGUI()
if (GUILayout.Button(“Keyboard”, GUILayout.MinWidth(400), GUILayout.MinHeight(200)))

This new plug-in can be helpful for you.

Is there an update on this?

i think it’s bugged i try last beta today

is it fixed in 5.5?

It is one of those bugs for an obscure feature not many people use, so don’t hold your breath for a fix any time soon! :stuck_out_tongue:

I would also file a bug report but it seems two people above said already have.

Though searching the issue tracker, I have only found this issue.

From what I understand, the issues you report do not appear in the issue tracker website until unity ‘approves’ your bug report (?) and I can’t see any android TouchScreenKeyboard.hideInput related bug there, so maybe they havn’t even seen it yet? (Though it has been 1 and a half years since the first report.)

Donno, we can only speculate until someone from Unity actually says something.

It’s resolved guys…

TouchScreenKeyboard keyboard;
TouchScreenKeyboard.hideInput = false;
if (keyboard == null || !TouchScreenKeyboard.visible)
keyboard = TouchScreenKeyboard.Open (“”, TouchScreenKeyboardType.Default, false, false, false, false, “xyz”);

No it is not… Tried in both Unity 2017.1.1f1 and Unity 2017.2.0b6


this bug from 2015 and unity not resolve this bug!!!

ok guys, i create simple native code to open keyboard and detects inputs , you can download it from github https://github.com/clockfree/InputField-Native-Android-For-Unity :wink:

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Is there a way to make it so that the predictive text line still shows on the keyboard?

Yeahs still broken lol

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No fix?

They didn’t fix more obvious bugs for years. No surprise if this doesn’t get fixed for 3 more years. 5 years? Still no surprise.

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I did request this get addressed and trying to get an ETA on when the fix will be available for Android.


What’s eating my lunch is they’ve said Unity is going public which means now they’re going to be pandering to bigwigs instead of fixing bugs :expressionless:

Btw I’m not blaming the devs or engineers, I think every dev knows this is an issue with overzealous management.