UI Is totally broken

I really dunno what is happening.

I opened Unity, my project, and then it said “Failed to load windows layout”. I stuck in a loop, and then I deleted the Library folder. Anything seemed like normal. Collaborate said that I must sync. I did this, and Collaborate window just become veeeery broken (Screenshot). Then, just opened Inspector, and it was BROKEN too (Screenshot).

Nvm, reloaded unity and anything went good.

Edit: All of UI decreased it’s size (game itself), i reloaded unity again, and then there’s error about windows layout again. WTF IS HAPPENING

Edit: Okay, I got it. Windows layouts are broken totally, and I just forced to create own one. I got error loop, and i just reloaded unity and it’s likely resets all layouts (idk why, i didn’t clicked Revert Factory Settings, etc.). And just by using my own layout I fixed everythig. But not fully. I must every time load my layout instead of default, it just don’t saves current layout.
P. S. Game UI decreased it’s size beacuse of game window size - free aspect, but I use a custom one. Windows layout likely have this setting too.

OMG this is killing me. Did you find an actual solution?