UI looks dark in App Players


first, plz take a look at these Test screenshots.

  1. cell phone screen capture

2. editor

3. App Player (Bluestack, Nox, LD)
(It looks Gamma /Linear problem i guess)

I’m using Unity 2020.3.16f1 / URP / Linear Color Space / Mobile Project

those things only happened to UI on app players.
3D objects / Spines … everythings fine except UI.
(UI uses “UI/Default” built-in shader / textures, sprites settings are same)

I assumed gamma / linear problem, so I made a new UI shader and added “pow(color , 0.45)”
then UI color problem was gone. but editor and cell phone’s UI color got brightened.

so, I wanna know is this a bug? or is there any way to fix problem?


Hello @Yigeun
I would suggest you to post this question in one of the UI forums, as we mainly deal with 2D specific questions in this area of the Unity forums.

oh thanks. i tried to delete or move to UI forum but i can’t find those buttons.
could you delete this post?

No problem!
Sorry, I can’t delete or move the post, but I can poke one of the forum admins to help out.

Thanks again!