When in Linear color space, UI with the default unlit material in default Overlay mode looks much darker in play mode than in edit mode. If I understand correctly, unlit sprites shouldn’t look any different in linear vs gamma. But maybe I don’t understand correctly…?
Note: If I switch the UI to ScreenSpace - Camera instead of ScreenSpace - Overlay, it does look correct. So I’m thinking this is a bug?
Does Unity gamma correction support compensation and bitmap color space? If so then that sounds like a bug and should be reported through the normal channels. If not then you need to manually compensate the gamma in the original bitmaps.
I’ve done a little more experimenting and things are definitely weird with the UI in linear mode, even in ScreenSpace - Camera mode. For example, when selecting a text color for a text label, the color you select is often quite different than the one that actually displays in the scene. If you click the eyedropper tool and click a pixel in the scene, the color it actually chooses is very different from the color you actually clicked. None of this is an issue in gamma space mode. So even if there’s some kind of gamma correction on bitmaps, it shouldn’t be happening on font coloring.
Darker in play mode? To me things look brighter in play mode, and I’m seeing it only for atlased sprites (in linear).
I started a thread here. Then I reported a bug showing it on a completely fresh project two weeks ago. Nobody has responded to my bug so I think you should report a bug too.
I did submit a bug this morning, so hopefully someone takes a look. Here’s an example of mine; scene view on the left, game view on the right. The font, as you can see, is also showing up as a light grey in both views, whereas in gamma mode, it is dark brown (what it should be) in both views.
I moved over to Unit 5b12 as my project calls for PBR shaders and I wanted to test those out. I don’t think the RC1 candidates are merged to 5b12 … but I am still having the issue there.
@peteorstrike Awesome! That works for me. Can’t believe I haven’t just been doing that for the last few months. I had no idea. Thanks for mentioning that.