After some hair-pulling Googling, I found this thread: Masked UI Element’s Shader Not Updating - Unity Forum
Turns out masks are the issue. It’s a full-on bug too.
Not performant, but for just UI it’s an okay work around… Hope this helps anyone else making UI mask friendly shaders for UI.
New unscaled time passer component code:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class PassUnscaledTimeToShader : MonoBehaviour {
private Image rend;
private string originalMatName;
private static readonly int UnscaledTime = Shader.PropertyToID("_UnscaledTime");
private void Awake() {
rend = GetComponent<Image>(); //get image component
originalMatName =; //cache original material name
void Update() {
if (rend.material.HasProperty(UnscaledTime)) rend.material.SetFloat(UnscaledTime, Time.unscaledTime);
else Destroy(this); //Remove if material has no matching property
rend.material = Instantiate(rend.material) ;//Force mask stencils to update = originalMatName; //ensure that (Clone) isn't appended to the end