UI Mouse Detection using prefabs

So im creating an Inventory system, and I want a menu to pop up while you hover over one of the prefabs that represent the items in your inventory. The issue is that I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get a simple system to detect internally weather or not the mouse is over a gameobject.

I’ve tried using IPointerEnterHandler and a Boolean system, but it only detected the edges of the system and didn’t stay positive when I would hover over the center of the object. It also strait up didn’t fire at all sometimes so that sucks.

I need the prefab to able to check itself to see if it’s being hovered over, for optimization and organization, so an external system is out of the picture.

If anyone has any advice I would appreciate that so much.

Turns out it was an issue with the way unity handles UI layers and their raycast object properties. Just turn off the raycast object box in the object below it and it should fix itself