I am new to development on the iOS and the current problem I am having occurs after porting my UNITY file to Xcode and then iOS.
My UI elements completely break apart after being built to mobile, in the two example images attatched (ignoring the background and focusing on the pink circle with white dots) you can see that the none of the objects are on center, individual elements are offset at different angles, and a line has appeared on one of the UI elements.
Everything works fine while building on my Mac.
I have also noticed that other transparent PNG’s using the Unlit Cutout shader and other transparent objects in general have similar glitchy appearences on my iOS (an iPhone 5).
All images that have issues are those that have been imported as PNGs, imported texture type [Sprite (2D and UI], and have some kind of alpha section that appears as transparent.
I have been struggling with this for a while and am now at a complete loss, if somebody could help me it would be much appreciated.