UI Scale with screen: touch input wrong


I have a canvas with a canvas scaler with the following properties:

Scale with screen size
Reference resolution 1280 x 720
Match width or height
Width or height = 1
Pixels per unit = 100

When I build for android and try it on multiple devices all the touch hitboxes are below the actual button image, and this also applies to the handle for sliders.

All my buttons have Maintain preserve aspect, and are fully functional and work correctly when I use constant pixel size but not scale with resolution.

If I change the reference resolution to say 1280 x 800 the problem seems worse, and the problem varies depeding on the device resolution.

Any help or workaround would be appreciated


First, try setting “Match width or height” to 0, that’s the standard. It will probably fix many things.
Second, make sure the “reference resolution”, is the resolution that your game view is set to.

If things are still going bad, show us some screenshots of how the objects that go bad are set up.

Thank you, the problem has been resolved.