UI Screen Space Particles?

Hey so I have this confetti particle system that shows in a menu in my game and I put this particle system under my Screen Space Canvas next to my menu UI.

However, the particle system always remains in world space, which isn’t what I want because in my game I can zoom in/out the camera changing the ortho size. So when my menu appears when my camera has zoomed out my particle system appears tiny and in the completely wrong position.

I’ve looked for a couple hours now online for answers but I’m struggling to find anything that makes it so basically my particle system acts like UI and is in screen space and scales and stays in the same position on screen as my UI objects.

Please can someone help me out, thank you.

Neither the particle system nor the UI UGUI systems are a 2D feature so this isn’t the appropriate forum to ask.

For particle questions you should use: https://forum.unity.com/categories/graphics.75/
For UGUI you should use: Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

I’ll move your post to General Graphics as it seem mostly about particles.

DO a google search for Unity UI Particle Extensions… something like that… should find you a git hub and all the content you need to get particles rollin in UI.

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