UI Scroll Bar not working

I’m trying to make a fairly simple text display app. I’m trying to implement a scroll bar for scrolling through different text. I’ve followed an instruction video from 2017, everything is working correctly (objects are mapped and work together). But when I run the application, the scroll bar is not clickable. I’ve attached a link to a facebook video showing me clicking through all the involved components.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Did you put anything in front of it? By default things like Text, TextMeshProUGUI, Image, etc. are all created with RaycastTarget set to true. This means their entire rectangular area “eats up” touches, even if it’s transparent.

Generally go through your scene and make sure that ONLY the things you want the user to touch are marked as RaycastTarget true. Every other object derived from a UI.Graphic should generally be RaycastTarget false.

It turns out that I didn’t have the canvas designated as a UI layer, which when I changed it to a UI layer, the scrollbar started working.

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