Hi everyone, i’m trying to create a ui slider with unity 5, but my problem is that the handle it looks very small in high resolutions.
How i have the scale the handle, because the other objects of the slider looks very nice.
Hi everyone, i’m trying to create a ui slider with unity 5, but my problem is that the handle it looks very small in high resolutions.
How i have the scale the handle, because the other objects of the slider looks very nice.
The “rect transform” attached to the slider has “width” and “height” values. If you raise these, it gets larger.
Edit: Oh maybe I’ve misunderstood, are you asking how to scale them with resolution?
If so, click your canvas in the hierarchy, and on the canvas scaler component set “ui scale mode” to “scale with screen size”.
Oh, thank you so much, work for me.
No problem, hope all goes well.