So I am currently working on a game, and I wanted to use a ScrollRect to view items with a mask. It was really easy to setup with Unity’s new UI, the only problem is it doesn’t support Snapping to the closest viewing element. So I had to solve this on my anyways, if someone is looking for a solution you can try mine and see if it works for you.
UIScrollRectSnap.cs attach this to the ScrollRect and make sure the OnValueChanged is assigned to the script. Give it a reference to the GridLayoutGroup and it would handle the rest. Work for Horizontal and Vertical individually not together, I don’t think…
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
public class UIScrollRectSnap : MonoBehaviour {
[SerializeField] GridLayoutGroup gridLayoutGroup;
[SerializeField] int index = 0;
[SerializeField] bool lockByIndex = false;
[SerializeField] float minSpeed = 80.0f;
[SerializeField] float snapSpeed = 8.0f;
ScrollRect scrollRect;
Vector2 target = Vector2.zero;
void Start() {
this.scrollRect = this.GetComponent<ScrollRect>(); // Cache the scroll rect
this.Index(0); // Set the starting view element to the first one.
this.scrollRect.normalizedPosition = this.NormalizedPosition * this.index; // Set the normalization
void Update() {
// Clamp by getting changes in the index.
if(this.lockByIndex == true) {
Vector2 target = this.NormalizedPosition * this.index;
if(this.scrollRect.normalizedPosition != target)
this.scrollRect.normalizedPosition = Vector2.Lerp(this.scrollRect.normalizedPosition, target, this.snapSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
} else {
if(this.scrollRect.velocity.magnitude <= this.minSpeed) {
if(this.scrollRect.normalizedPosition != target)
this.scrollRect.normalizedPosition = Vector2.Lerp(this.scrollRect.normalizedPosition, this.target, this.snapSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
// The size for a single cell (element)
Vector2 SingleCell {
get {
return new Vector2(this.gridLayoutGroup.cellSize.x + this.gridLayoutGroup.spacing.x, this.gridLayoutGroup.cellSize.y + this.gridLayoutGroup.spacing.y);
// The dimensions of the ScrollRect
Vector2 ScrollRectDimension {
get {
return new Vector2(this.scrollRect.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width, this.scrollRect.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.height);
// The total size of the elements in the X and Y
Vector2 ElementSize {
get {
return new Vector2(this.gridLayoutGroup.cellSize.x * (float)this.gridLayoutGroup.transform.childCount, this.gridLayoutGroup.cellSize.y * (float)this.gridLayoutGroup.transform.childCount);
// The delta of both the X an Y the ScrollView RecTransfrom understands.
Vector2 TotalDelta {
get {
return new Vector2(this.ElementSize.x + this.gridLayoutGroup.padding.left + this.gridLayoutGroup.padding.right + (float)(this.gridLayoutGroup.transform.childCount - 1) * this.gridLayoutGroup.spacing.x, this.ElementSize.y + this.gridLayoutGroup.padding.top + this.gridLayoutGroup.padding.bottom + (float)(this.gridLayoutGroup.transform.childCount - 1) * this.gridLayoutGroup.spacing.y) - this.ScrollRectDimension;
// The position of the element normalized
Vector2 NormalizedPosition {
get {
return new Vector2(this.SingleCell.x / this.TotalDelta.x, this.SingleCell.y / this.TotalDelta.y);
int Elements {
get {
// How many elements in the scroll view GridLayout.
return this.gridLayoutGroup.transform.childCount;
public void OnValueChanged(Vector2 normalized) {
if(this.scrollRect.horizontal == true) {
int elementIndex = 0;
float distance = Mathf.Abs(this.scrollRect.normalizedPosition.x - (this.NormalizedPosition.x) * elementIndex);
// Find the closest target to the current normalization
for(int i = 0 ; i < this.Elements; i++) {
float possibleDistance = Mathf.Abs(this.scrollRect.normalizedPosition.x - this.NormalizedPosition.x * i);
if(possibleDistance < distance) {
elementIndex = i;
distance = possibleDistance;
// View the element at.
// Set the target normalization to...
this.target = this.NormalizedPosition * this.index;
if(this.scrollRect.vertical == true) {
int elementIndex = 0;
float distance = Mathf.Abs(this.scrollRect.normalizedPosition.y - (this.NormalizedPosition.y) * elementIndex);
// Find the closest target to the current normalization
for(int i = 0 ; i < this.Elements; i++) {
float possibleDistance = Mathf.Abs(this.scrollRect.normalizedPosition.y - this.NormalizedPosition.y * i);
if(possibleDistance < distance) {
elementIndex = i;
distance = possibleDistance;
// View the element at...
// Set the target normalization to...
this.target = this.NormalizedPosition * this.index;
// Manually change the index element we should be looking at (great for GamePads)
public void Index(int index) {
this.index = index;
this.index = Mathf.Clamp(this.index, 0, this.Elements);
// Lock the ScrollView by only snapping by changes in the Index (great for GamePads)
public void LockByIndex(bool lockByIndex) {
this.lockByIndex = lockByIndex;