UI Sprite Collisions no respone in Playmode in Scene view when mouse drags object

I can’t seem to figure out collision properly.

I have a UI object and the basic script is seen below. When I want to test this script in the editor with my mouse by dragging an object with a box collider over the object with another boxcollider and this script attached, It’s not reacting by printing the console lines. What could i possibly be doing wrong?

void OnCollisionStay2D(Collision2D coll)
if (coll.gameObject.tag == “Playa”)

Debug.Log(“this is box”);


I know this is a few months late, but I just had a similar problem.
What I did to fix it was simply add a Rigidbody to my UI objects. UI objects don’t have a rigidbody by default, so you have to add it yourself.