UI text flicker in Oculus Quest?

Has anyone faced the problem of texts flickering in Oculus Go/Quest? I have set my anti-aliasing to 4x. When I am farther away from the UI texts, it flickers. But when I am closer to it, it stops flickering. I have set nearClipping = 0.3/0.4 of Camera and still does not make any difference.

me too

WHat text system are you using? Text, or TextMeshPro? I suggest you use TextMeshProUGUI components, as they’re much more efficient and powerful.

also, check your “order In layer” for the canvas you’re working on, and check for Z-fighting, you may have an object on the same Z-location as your text, which would indeed cause flickering.

Hey, Did you find any solution for this?

getting over it
Text flickering issue is a common problem that occurs when text in a VR scene appears blurry or choppy due to the low resolution or depth buffering accuracy of the Oculus Go/Quest. There are a few possible solutions you can try to fix this problem, such as:

  • Use TextMeshPro instead of standard Unity UI text. TextMeshPro is a text rendering plugin that provides better quality and performance for VR text.
  • Adjust the accuracy of the camera’s Z buffer.