I am using UI Toolkit 1.0.0-preview.18 with Unity2020.3.48f1. Each time I install or delete a package the UI of package manager glitches out. I’ve tried some things proposed here like Reimport All Assets. It fixes the error but only until I restart the editor. Then the problem returns. Is there any way to prevent this? Or import somehow import UI toolkit “manually” so that it’s not tied to package manager?
I’ve attached full editor log just in case but I think the relevant part of Editor.log is this:
Platform modules already initialized, skipping
Reloading assemblies failed.
ASSEMBLY OVERRIDES: * override found for Unity assembly UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll (override path Library/ScriptAssemblies/UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll)
ASSEMBLY OVERRIDES: * override found for Unity assembly UnityEditor.UIElementsModule.dll (override path Library/ScriptAssemblies/UnityEditor.UIElementsModule.dll)
9497482–1337464–Editor.txt (37.7 KB)