UI Toolkit buttons do not work when presssed

I have a small issue with my UI.

Whenever I click a button on my pause menu ui nothing happens even when I hover over the buttons. However, in my main menu scene, the UI works without any problems. Comparing the code side by side they are pretty much identical. I am also using the UI Toolkit for my UI instead of the older UI system.

public class PauseMenuUIDocumentManager : MonoBehaviour
   private static VisualElement pauseMenuContainer;
   private Button mainMenuButton;
   private Button settingsButton;
   private Button quitToDesktopButton;

   public static VisualElement PauseMenuContainer
      get => pauseMenuContainer;
      set => pauseMenuContainer = value;

   private void Start()
      var root = GetComponent<UIDocument>().rootVisualElement;

      pauseMenuContainer = root.Q<VisualElement>("Background");

      mainMenuButton = root.Q<Button>("MainMenuButton");
      settingsButton = root.Q<Button>("SettingsButton");
      quitToDesktopButton = root.Q<Button>("QuitToDesktop");
      mainMenuButton.clicked += MainMenuButtonOnclicked;
      settingsButton.clicked += SettingsButtonOnclicked;
      quitToDesktopButton.clicked += QuitToDesktopButtonOnclicked;

   private void QuitToDesktopButtonOnclicked()

   private void MainMenuButtonOnclicked()
      Time.timeScale = 1f;

   private void SettingsButtonOnclicked()
      throw new NotImplementedException("This feature will be implemented later down the line");

Here is my game manager script that I use to show the pause menu and to actually pause the game.

if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) && gameIsPaused == false && gameCanBeUnPaused == false)
   PlayerMovement.MovementEnabled = false;
   gameIsPaused = true;
   Time.timeScale = 0f;
   print("The game is paused");
private void OpenPauseMenu()
    PauseMenuUIDocumentManager.PauseMenuContainer.style.display = DisplayStyle.Flex;

The issue that caused the UI not to work is that I had two UI documents that overlap in the same scene. All I had to do was to change how much screen space the other element took up.


You are using Start to bind the UI. This will produce undefined behaviours (errors and bugs) either now or in the future.


→ Use OnEnable for all the UI binding code instead.