I have a small issue with my UI.
Whenever I click a button on my pause menu ui nothing happens even when I hover over the buttons. However, in my main menu scene, the UI works without any problems. Comparing the code side by side they are pretty much identical. I am also using the UI Toolkit for my UI instead of the older UI system.
public class PauseMenuUIDocumentManager : MonoBehaviour
private static VisualElement pauseMenuContainer;
private Button mainMenuButton;
private Button settingsButton;
private Button quitToDesktopButton;
public static VisualElement PauseMenuContainer
get => pauseMenuContainer;
set => pauseMenuContainer = value;
private void Start()
var root = GetComponent<UIDocument>().rootVisualElement;
pauseMenuContainer = root.Q<VisualElement>("Background");
mainMenuButton = root.Q<Button>("MainMenuButton");
settingsButton = root.Q<Button>("SettingsButton");
quitToDesktopButton = root.Q<Button>("QuitToDesktop");
mainMenuButton.clicked += MainMenuButtonOnclicked;
settingsButton.clicked += SettingsButtonOnclicked;
quitToDesktopButton.clicked += QuitToDesktopButtonOnclicked;
private void QuitToDesktopButtonOnclicked()
private void MainMenuButtonOnclicked()
Time.timeScale = 1f;
private void SettingsButtonOnclicked()
throw new NotImplementedException("This feature will be implemented later down the line");
Here is my game manager script that I use to show the pause menu and to actually pause the game.
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) && gameIsPaused == false && gameCanBeUnPaused == false)
PlayerMovement.MovementEnabled = false;
gameIsPaused = true;
Time.timeScale = 0f;
print("The game is paused");
private void OpenPauseMenu()
PauseMenuUIDocumentManager.PauseMenuContainer.style.display = DisplayStyle.Flex;