UI Toolkit does not register mouse button in build. [#1402289]

I found the same issue here :

Issue ID : 1402289

It is marked as fixed, but this issue still persist in 2022.2.0b8
I can confirm with the same project,
the bug does not happen on previous version 2021.3.10f1 LTS.

OK, thank you for reporting this. We will verify if we can reproduce the issue. About the issue you’re describing in Can't interact with buttons on build. however, I think it might be a different thing.

This bug here was fixed as a side effect of other fixes for the hover state not working properly. It’s possible that it came back from a different cause. I’ll investigate and let you know what we find.

Hi. I’ve retested the repro for the bug on 2022.2.0b10 and from what I see here the bug is properly fixed. The player.log contains “pressed-> 1” when I left-click on the panel’s pink background, and “pressed-> 2” when I right-click on it, as it’s supposed to, whereas in 2021.2.15f1 it always prints “pressed-> 0”. There might be other things not working but this bug isn’t it, or if so it needs some new reproduction steps and results, perhaps a new bug report altogether.

I’m keeping this bug as “fixed” until further notice, but I’ll notify someone from quality assurance so they can double-check when they get a chance.

Hi @uBenoitA , just fyi it seems the bug has reappeared again at least in beta 13, and at least for WebGL.
Bug Report CASE IN-22066.
Mentioned and described in WebGL thread here .

I hereby confirm that the buttons in WebGL builds are not “pressable” even in the Beta 14.
Quite annoying bug de facto making WebGL impossible to use.

OK, noted, thank you. Like I said, it’s possible that buttons aren’t pressable for other reasons than the exact bug that I said was fixed (i.e. there’s another bug having similar side effects). Since we need a repro project or repro steps to follow to reproduce the bug when fixing it, and (at least in 2022.2.0b10) the repro project for 1402289 doesn’t reproduce the bug anymore, it’s becoming quite hard to reuse the same bug number to track it at this point.

I think you resubmitting the issue as IN-22066 is the best way forward at this point. Again, thanks for reporting this!

just a note - in Beta 15 not yet fixed

They will fix it in 2022.2.0f1, issue: Unity Issue Tracker - [UI Toolkit] Mouse events not triggered in build when Active Input Handling is set to both (unity3d.com)

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Thanks @sionzee1 ; not sure the issues are identical:(
It persists even with the “Active Input Handling” set to “Input Manager (Old)”
while the one you refer to claims to be active only when “Active Input Handling” is set to “Both”.

It has been mentioned in this post by Unity that the bug was successfully replicated, so hopefully there is still chance the WebGL builds will be usable in the final release of 2022.2? Maybe @uBenoitA can shed some light…?:wink:
My bug report IN-22066 however has not been confirmed yet