Ui-Toolkit have problem with android game

Hi everyone , look like UI-Toolkit have issue without android because when I build game for android and tested all buttons become large even I don’t see game
Original scene :

when I build and tested on an android devise :

on pane; setting I change scale mode to constant pixel size and got this :

anyone can tell me how solve this problem with Ui-Toolkit ?

Could you show your panel settings? And maybe some uss? We’ve tested with many (I mean, many) Android, iOS, iPadOS, etc (even Macs and PCs) devices and never encounter such problem. If you need to support many different resolutions and screen sizes, it’s very important to use “scale with screen size” and choose a proper reference resolution. Here’s ours for example:

And don’t forget to use Unity’s simulator window to test with many different devices.


Hi @TeorikDeli1 thanks for answer my question , before your replay I tested scale with screen size but I forgot to change reference resolution parameters now thanks again for your answer my problem fixed
for x I changed to 2000
and y changed to 800
screen much mode parameters 0.10

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