We’ll use this thread to announce UI Toolkit preview releases and what they contain.
You can refer to the initial announcement thread to get more information about the UI Toolkit package and how to get started.
As always, please start a new thread if you want to report a bug or want to provide feedback on a specific topic.
Here’s what we’re currently working on:
- New text workflow - including rich text
- More platform coverage
- Stability improvements
- Documentation
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[1.0.0-preview.6] - 2020-07-27
- Fixed issue with custom UXML factories not working in player builds (public issue ID 1265335)
[1.0.0-preview.5] - 2020-07-18
- Removed 4 meta files for deleted folders
[1.0.0-preview.4] - 2020-07-17
- Fixed rendering issues on DX11
- Fixed Slider’s text field displayed value not properly updating when value is set through code
- Fixed WebGL rendering glitches caused by sub-range buffer updates
- Fixed a regression making Clickable manipulator react twice to click events
- Removed cyclic dependency with Input System package
- Fixed large mesh allocations that grew indefinitely
- Fix ScrollView scrollbars not showing when children are using position:absolute
- Removed memory allocation in PointerId.hoveringPointers
- Fix inline style length getter ignoring unit (public issue ID 1258959)
- Fixed Exception thrown with Sprite Editor window is opened after transition to play mode
- Fixed TextInputBaseField.isPasswordField not updating (public issue ID 1251000)
- Reduced memory footprint of a star rule in a stylesheet
- Fixed ScrollView content not fully scrollable when the content is aligned
- Fixed ScrollView.ScrollTo() not showing the while item when possible
- Fixed GLES warning about non-square matrices
- TextInfo in TextHandle is now allocated lazily (effective in Editor only)
- Minimum compatible versions are now 2020.2.0a18 and 2020.1.0b14
- Renamed Unity.UIElements.asmdef to UnityEngine.UIElementsGameObjectModule.asmdef
- Renamed Unity.UIElements.Editor to UnityEditor.UIElementsModule.asmdef
- PanelSettings default scale mode changed to match UIBuilder’s display more closely
- UI Toolkit package now contains the equivalent editor module from Unity core
- Added live reload of UIDocument’s UXML file when in Edit Mode.
[1.0.0-preview.7] - 2020-08-28
- Fixed
focus not selecting text (issue ID 1262318)
- UI Document component no longer needs an Event System component to be displayed properly on Unity 2020.1 (issue ID 1261447)
- Fixed GraphView shader which was incompatible with the UI Toolkit package (issue ID 1270575)
- Fixed
tooltip behavior when text value can change while elided (issue ID 1266210)
- Fixed
ignoring AltGr character combinations (issue ID 1261739)
- Fixed
SerializedProperty binding
- Removed internal usage of
(issue ID 1188214)
- Fixed Package Manager window stylesheet error
- Fixed UXML preview rendered outside the preview zone (issue ID 1227277)
- Fixed layout being affected by the state of
(issue ID 1268095)
- Fixed artifacts visible when resizing windows (issue ID 1218455)
- Fixed
missing a definition for backgroundImage
- No longer possible to change the Style Sheet on the
inspector as the Runtime UI will not work without the default value for now. Debug access still available.
- Changed the blending equation to allow blending of the resulting RenderTexture
- Added ability to modify the dynamic atlas settings through the Panel Settings.
- Added support for new Input System package in Event System component (if the package isn’t installed, the legacy Input system is still used)
- UI shader nows uses dynamic texture slots to reduce batch breaking
- Support for using RenderTexture in
- Support for Sprite assets
- Live Reload feature: modified UXML and USS files get reloaded into the UI, both in Runtime and Editor Windows.
- Added
method for TextField
- Added Clear Settings to the Panel Settings asset. If you used
, you may want to enable PanelSettings.clearColor
[1.0.0-preview.8] - 2020-09-01
- Fixed compilation error in EventSystem when using Input System package in Unity 2020.1
[1.0.0-preview.9] - 2020-09-24
Please use UI Toolkit with Unity 2020.2.0b2
or earlier until further notice.
- Fixed ListView hovered item display style flickering continually when moving the mouse over it (issue ID 1274802)
- Fix compilation issue of Device Simulator package with UI Toolkit package (issue ID 1278014)
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[1.0.0-preview.10] - 2020-10-30
- Added an “inverted” property to Slider to allow users to reverse the display. Fixing at the same time the default direction on vertical sliders.
- Opening the UI Toolkit Debugger from the Game View now selects the first found PanelSettings Panel, if there is one.
- Added support for azimuthAngle, altitudeAngle, twist, and multiple Pen devices in EventSystem when using Input System package
- Improved renderer batching performance
- Added support for new USS text properties for TextElement
- Added Rich Text tags support in TextElement.text
- Added support for using Font Assets within UI Toolkit
- Allow
pseudo selector to target the element receiving the style sheet
- Updated menu item for Live Reload to be called “UI Toolkit Live Reload” to avoid user confusion.
- The DynamicAtlas system now tracks texture references and supports dynamic removals
- Enable dynamic atlassing of sprites.
- In runtime EventSystem when using the Input System package, converted multiple PointerMoveEvents and WheelEvents occuring during a single frame into single combined events, reducing impact on performance.
- UIDocuments are now sorted by a float field in the inspector (“sort order”) and not automatically by GameObject hierarchy
- Fixed PanelSettings custom inspector applying sort order value in Edit Mode
- Fixed moving UIDocument under existing inactive UIDocument not calculating parent relationship right away
- Fixed assigning UXML to UIDocument for the first time not showing in Game View
- Fixed small artifacts and blurry text during runtime. (issue ID 1262249)
- Fixed zoom affects text wrapping. (issue ID 1279623)
- Fixed text not rendered correctly in linear. (issue ID 1215895)
- Fixed some chinese characters not shown in runtime. (issue ID 1271770)
- Changed TextField to match IMGUI behavior of select-all-on-mouse-up (issue ID 1179932)
- Changed EnumField+derivatives & BasePopupField-based classes to properly handle pointer down events (issue ID 1248669)
- Improved performance of visual element transform calculations
- Fixed tight sprite scale modes
- The UXML importer now throws a warning for special attributes with AttributeOverrides (issue ID 1280413)
- Binding operations are done asynchronouly to improve performance and avoid editor lockups (issue ID 1243897)
- Fixed runtime event system not changing focused panel when clicking on a control from another panel
- Fixed ScrollWheel event incorrectly moves the mouse for 1 frame when using runtime EventSystem, causing hovered element in ListView to flicker (issue ID 1280184)
- Fixed inconsistent ScrollWheel direction in EventSystem when using Input System package.
- Fixed arrow keys not working in the Slider/SliderInt (issue ID 1244539)
- Fixed Element not visisle after being hiden/shown in specific sequence (issue ID 1269414)
- Prevent NullRefException when providing textureless sprites as background (issue ID 1276866)
- Hover selector should not be working during DragEvents (issue ID 1180282)
- Fixed warning when trying to change the cursor (issue ID 1183813)
- Fixed dropdown menu from toolbar of windows glued to the left side of the screen on Mac (issue ID 1221212)
- Using PropertyField for Array types in the Inspector allows customized label value on the Foldout (issue ID 1214572)
- Fix mouse events in SceneView (issues ID 1210649, 1220685)
- Throw a proper argument null exception when using UQuery
- Disable the parsing of rich text tags in text fields (issue ID 1176895)
- Fixed panel color that was not being premultiplied before clearing the target texture background (issue ID 1220685)
- Fix wrong order of Attach/Detach events (issue ID 1269758)
- Fixed the ellipsis activated unpredictably with scaling factor other than 100% (issue ID 1268016)
- Removed ability to reference drag events in the Player, since those are never sent
- Removed PanelRenderer component which was Obsolete
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[1.0.0-preview.11] - 2020-11-13
Minimum versions compatible
- Fixed shader issues breaking Editor rendering in linear projects
- Revert API Change in Vertex.uv and fix related shader code
[1.0.0-preview.12] - 2020-11-16
Minimum versions compatible
- Fixed cyclic dependency error with Input System package
- Fixed missing field exception in GraphView for Vertex.idsFlags field
[1.0.0-preview.13] - 2020-11-27
Compatible versions
- 2020.1.9f1
- 2020.2.0b9
- 2021 currently not supported
- Fixed text-shadow and strokes on button text
- Fixed InternalsVisibleTo for com.unity.ui.builder 1.0.0-preview.10
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[1.0.0-preview.14] - 2021-01-19
Minimum versions compatible
If your project is also using TextMeshPro, please update the package to the latest version (3.0.3) as well.
When using the UI Toolkit package with assembly definitions, it is required to add an explicit dependency on “UnityEngine.UIElementsModule” in the asmdef file. Doing this will ensure the assemblies will be compiled in the right order.
- UQuery: Enumerator support allows for foreach iteration with no or minimal GC allocations
Fixed incompatibility with Unity version 2021.1
UI Toolkit Debugger: Allowed debugger to pick elements from Game View in Edit Mode (and not only in Play Mode like before)
UI Toolkit Debugger: Overlay, “Show Layout” now work for Game View in Edit Mode (and not only in Play Mode like before)
UQuery: Query now correctly returns all elements (case 1288531)
Not allowing text changes on text input field when they are disabled (case 1286143)
Fixed Images failing to load if using the url(“”) syntax while having multiple resolution variants (case 1293843)
Fixed ListView item selection through PointerMoveEvent, for example when holding right-click down while clicking (case 1287031)
Fixed bug where multiple elements could be shown as being focused at the same time due to delayed focus events not being well tracked when there is more than 1 of them in the queue (case 1154256)
Fixed wrong addressing of dynamic transforms when new atlas slot is used (case 1293058)
PropertyField now able to have no label displayed if an empty string is passed as the label argument. Note that if a null value is passed, the label will still be displayed using the localized display name, like before (case 1293580)
Fixed a bug where users were able to drag slider outside its container when a text field was present
Fixed an issue where sometimes style assets loading would fail during initialization
[1.0.0-preview.15] - 2021-07-23
Minimum versions compatible
Note that this UI Toolkit package (com.unity.ui 1.0.0-preview.15) is only compatible with the UI Builder package of the same version number (com.unity.ui.builder 1.0.0-preview.15). Any other combination is not supported.
- Added new controls (RadioButton, RadioButtonGroup, DropdownField) to the UITK Samples and UI Builder Standard Library (case 1310158)
- Added visualTreeAssetSource property to VisualElement to allow identifying the VisualTreeAsset a visual tree was cloned from
- Added multi-language support
- Added Textcore package as a dependency
- Deprecated OnKeyDown method in ListView. Use the event system instead, see SendEvent.
- Optimized some data access for Live Reload feature
- Removed additional overhead of attaching to panel for Live Reload when the option is turned off, improving performance in loading VisualTreeAssets
- Added a new RuntimeDefault theme with less overhead for runtime usage
- Improved UI Toolkit event debugger. Improvements include optimizations, adjustable UI, settings, event and callback filtering, event replay
- Buttons are now focusable
- Improved USS validation to support more complex properties
- Fixed regression on the styling of the ProgressWindow’s progress bars, removed usage of images in progress bar (case 1297045)
- Prevented infinite recursion using UIElements with nested property drawers (case 1292133)
- Fixes performance of Line Renderer list of positions when its size is big enough to require scroll on the Inspector view (case 1296193)
- Fixed playmode tint applied twice on text (case 1283050)
- Fixed InspectorElement enabled state in EditorElement.Reinit (case 1221162)
- Fixed window creator on linux caused a null reference and the new editor window was displayed corrupted (case 1295140)
- … and so much more! Read the full changelog file attached.
Find more information about package version change in this separate thread: UI Toolkit migration guide - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions
7405298–905255–com.unity.ui-1.0.0-preview.15-changelog.txt (13.3 KB)
[1.0.0-preview.16] - 2021-08-12
Minimum versions compatible
Note that this UI Toolkit package (com.unity.ui 1.0.0-preview.16) is compatible with the UI Builder package of version number preview.15 and up, but we highly recommend you use the same version number due to important fixes (com.unity.ui.builder 1.0.0-preview.16). Any other combination is not supported.
- Fixed Editor fonts missing when using System Fonts (case 1357686)
- Removed warning on console about .meta for folder that doesn’t exist (case 1357693)
- Fixed Editor fonts get messed up after saving or building player (case 1357698)
Follow the steps on the Migration Guide on this other Forum post to guarantee the correct functionality of your project.
[1.0.0-preview.17] - 2021-08-26
Minimum versions compatible
If you’re using the com.unity.ui.builder package, we highly recommend you to upgrade to the same version number due to important fixes (com.unity.ui.builder 1.0.0-preview.17). Any other combination is not supported.
- Removed dependency on moq
- Fixed corrupted text after upgrading/removing/adding a new package. (case 1358577)
- Fixed some NullReferenceException issues related to text
- Fixed ObjectField label alignment issues (case 1320031)
- Drag and drop in ListView will not bind negative index. (case 1319543)
- Submit event on a ListView focuses in the content to allow keyboard navigation. (case 1311688)
- Fixed selection on pointer up on mobile to allow touch scrolling. (case 1312139)
Some compatibility issues remain when using GraphView minimap and the GTF package on Unity 2020.3
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[1.0.0-preview.18] - 2021-10-05
Minimum versions compatible
If you’re using the com.unity.ui.builder package, we highly recommend you to upgrade to the same version number due to important fixes (com.unity.ui.builder 1.0.0-preview.18). Any other combination is not supported.
- Fixed default.tss.asset failing to load while the UI Toolkit package is being imported
- Fixed asset dependencies preventing references to TSS resources from UXML inline styles (case 1357255)
- Fixed ClickEvent unpredictably not being sent on Android and iOS when the touch sequence spans over multiple update frames
- Fixed binary compatibility error when using GraphView and minimaps
- Fixed compbatibility error with Graph Tools Foundation package
- Fixed inconsistencies of underline/strikethrough text visuals
- Fixed exception thrown when repainting a panel that uses a destroyed texture
- Fixed UIDebugger element picking in the Game View on mac
- Fixed Tab key being ignored on Mac builds
- Fixed Text Shadow Color being resetted in the UI Builder after reopening a project
- Removed default auto assignment of PanelSettings’s default runtime theme
- Popupfields choices are now accessible through c# property