I have a scene where multiple combatants will be instantiated at runtime. It is possible for these instantiations to duplicate so the same prefab may be used more than once.
I have built a visual tree asset that will display things like health bar, status ailments, and tokens for the combatant in world space via render texture on a quad.
My question: Can I ‘instantiate’ a copy of my UI element for each combatant from the same asset and have them function separately? I have not been able to get this to work.
I have the Panel Settings asset in a resource folder and for each combatant i load a copy of it, and clone the visual asset tree that I created and assign them to each combatants UI Document component. As far as the render texture i also make copies of the material/texture and assign them to the loaded panel per combatant.
Am I going down the right path here? Is there an easier way to do this?
Thanks for any pointers,