UI Toolkit Text Field Limitations

Text Fields on the UI Toolkit can take a maximum of 12k characters.

It takes 4 and max 65k vertex for each character due to rendering, there must be a way to overcome this?

I tried to modify method with Reflection in Text Element on this method

    void INotifyValueChanged<string>.SetValueWithoutNotify(string newValue)
        newValue = ((ITextEdition)this).CullString(newValue);
        if (m_Text != newValue)
            renderedText = newValue;
            m_Text = newValue;
            IncrementVersion(VersionChangeType.Layout | VersionChangeType.Repaint);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.viewDataKey))

        if (editingManipulator != null)
            editingManipulator.editingUtilities.text = newValue;

In this method, I am trying to synchronise renderedText to the culled value and m_Text to the original value, otherwise the value reflected in ValueChange callbacks is always the culled value.

Even if the displayed text is short, I try to preserve the value it contains.

I couldn’t achieve what I said with reflection, I couldn’t reach the necessary places …

Is there a better way or a way to overcome this as it should be, please…