UI toolkit TextField does not respond to keyboard on UWP, but ok on Windows

Question: UI toolkit TextField does not respond to keyboard on UWP, but ok on Windows
UGUI is OK on both

OS: Windows 11 Home edition
Unity: 2022.3.24f1

Build Settings => Platform: Universal Windows Platform

Build Settings => Platform: Windows

Could you please file a bug report? Unity QA: Building quality with passion

Sure. I just reported it.
IN-76779 - UI toolkit TextField does not respond to keyboard on UWP, but ok on Windows

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I’ve encountered similar issue in the past due to losing focus on the visualElement. Try forcing the focus back to the visualelement

I tried to add Focus() like

textfield.focusable = true;
textfield.isReadOnly = false;

With no luck. Still can not type anything on UWP.