Question: UI toolkit TextField does not respond to keyboard on UWP, but ok on Windows
UGUI is OK on both
OS: Windows 11 Home edition
Unity: 2022.3.24f1
Build Settings => Platform: Universal Windows Platform
Build Settings => Platform: Windows
Question: UI toolkit TextField does not respond to keyboard on UWP, but ok on Windows
UGUI is OK on both
OS: Windows 11 Home edition
Unity: 2022.3.24f1
Build Settings => Platform: Universal Windows Platform
Build Settings => Platform: Windows
Could you please file a bug report? Unity QA: Building quality with passion
Sure. I just reported it.
IN-76779 - UI toolkit TextField does not respond to keyboard on UWP, but ok on Windows
I’ve encountered similar issue in the past due to losing focus on the visualElement. Try forcing the focus back to the visualelement
I tried to add Focus() like
textfield.focusable = true;
textfield.isReadOnly = false;
With no luck. Still can not type anything on UWP.