UI Toolkit: What is the proper way to update TreeView in custom editor

I am following the ui toolkit treeview tutorial to build a custom editor to inspecte a scriptable object.

The code work but when the add buttom add a item to tree view the new item is not show up, I need to manually click the scriptable object in the project window to make the new item appear in tree view.

here is the code.

    public override VisualElement CreateInspectorGUI()
        VisualElement root = new VisualElement();
        Manager targetManager = serializedObject.targetObject as Manager;

        var treeView = root.Q<MultiColumnTreeView>();

        treeView.columns["Tag"].makeCell = BuildTreeViewCell;
        treeView.columns["Tag"].bindCell = (VisualElement ele, int index) =>
            (ele.Q<Label>() as Label).text = treeView.GetItemDataForIndex<Node>(index).tagName;

        var addChildButton = root.Q<Button>("AddChild");
        addChildButton.clicked += () => {
            var textField = root.Q<TextField>();
            if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(textField.value)) return;

            textField.value = "";            

        return root;

    VisualElement BuildTreeViewCell()
        var cell = new VisualElement();
        cell.style.flexDirection = FlexDirection.Row;
        cell.Add(new Label());

        return cell;

What did i miss?

I found the reason.
The setrootitem need update after add new item.