First of all I need to be thankful for understanding the real origin of this thread. A fresh breath of air!
And this is why appearence of UITK should make more sense in terms of that but it should stay that way.
Because primarly it was made for Unity Editor and that awesome because you can adjust or add things visually without even need to code but no more than that.
If they kept improving uGUI I already can start to see a visual futuristic improvement on that.
It could be much more.
I strongly believe they should focus into more a “GAME” UI System. I still can’t get it why they decided to go into more Web Engine. It makes me insecure if that was for the first april fools day release as a joke that turns into an idea for the devs.
Well in theory everything that we get inside UI TK is experimental none of those thing is done well. Even the rotation is absolutely broken. I’m not expecting that they will ever bring other features from the roadmap since they couldn’t even get a working rotation. lol
By the way to make it more funnier here is the magical futuristic code of UI TK:
Tween.Custom(0, 360, duration: 5.5f, onValueChange: newVal => templateGemContainer.Q<VisualElement>("ShinnyCircle").style.rotate = new StyleRotate(new Rotate(newVal)), Ease.Linear, -1);
and yes so called “Transition animations” injected into UI TK is pure trash if not worst. You can do much more cool stuff using any Tween you want. Since you are not limited of using it.
For me looking at those simple issues that it has it’s already dead. I’m not even speaking of all features that is missing in UI TK but the things that’s already there. Absolutely unstable it already throws million of issues when you try to diving deep into it. I’m not surprised if you can finish a flappy bird using UI TK and barely a doodle jump.
Exactly since old uGUI is deprecated they should start to learn UI TK which many of them will do and that a big K.O.
I’m already thinking that UI TK won’t be the successor of uGUI since only 10 % is using it and other 90% seeing it from all over forums still not agree with that which will lead Unity to take a completely different approach. From what I start to see is that they stopped already bring any news to it since they realized already there’s something wrong with that path. There’s so many complains than the actual compliments of using it and it couldn’t be a successor nor a replacement for the current uGUI it’s just a NO for many many people. Even experienced devs is not happy about that. I still seeing people make the whole courses on old uGUI and it still used today. We are in near 2025 and people keep making courses for it.
Even if you start search for tutorials or documentation it simply doesn’t exist. If you see some of the tutorials it’s more like explaining basics stuff but not really anything new. People just can’t show anything new from it because it’s not capable of it. UI TK is not more than just basics stuff that an old uGUI can do that better like 10 times and even tho you can extend it simply without USS, UXMLS etc…
Why just not taking some time to make uGUI even better.
Why then they didn’t rewrite from scratch Json Utility? Camera? Text component? You may ask why? The reason behind it is that even if they start rewriting it they can’t finish it. Like the same thing with the current UI TK they just left it.
Even for a simple thing in UITK you need to write your own rules when you can do that simply on uGUI without recreating a wheel.
As I said previously uGUI is well made but it need adjustments and that’s explainable because it wasn’t updated for decades. But it would take less time doing it than recreating a whole new UI System which barely no one’s is gonna use it.
It’s not more SHOULD it’s a MUST of having 2 parallel way.