UI: Visual System vs Scripted System

Hi everyone, so I thought this might be worth a bit of discussion. Which system of UI do you prefer? The visual system or the scripted system? I honestly prefer the scripted system since it’s done entirely through scripting. For me the visual UI system was difficult to get the hang of and there just seems like a lot more hoops to go through. For instance when you want to modify say how a button functions you have to build your button in an entirely separate script whereas with the scripting system all you have to do is put in an if statement of a GUI.button.

I like the new one. You can still build stuff via script. And you can build much more complex stuff then with legacy.

The hoops you had to jump through for something as simple as a drop down menu or combo box in legacy where pretty annoying. And you couldn’t see anything, so you had to get out the calculator and manually figure out the math for your rect, or you had to rely on the incredible boxish GUI.Layout.

And forget animating buttons, or applying any sort of visually appealing style.