UIText not chaning via script please help.

Hello everyone , i am trying to make 2D platformer game with unity. I have 2 script called “DisplayDust” and “Dust” so i am trying to increase dust by 1 when it collide with player. here is my code
`using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Dust : MonoBehaviour {

public bool isCollected = false; // Is dust already collected or not collected.


	// When dust collide with player destroy collided dust and increase total dust by 1.




using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI; // Added this for reach ui text class.

public class DisplayDust : MonoBehaviour {

Text DustText;
private int CollectedDust = 0; 
Dust newDust;

void Start() {

	DustText = gameObject.GetComponent<Text> ();
	newDust = this.gameObject.AddComponent<Dust> ();


void Update() {

	DustText.text = CollectedDust.ToString ();
	IncreaseDust ();


void IncreaseDust() {

	if (newDust.isCollected == true)



but for some reason its not working and giving 0 errors. i am trying to call a instance of dust and increase it by 1. DisplayDust script is attached to UıText gameobject. but when i change the isCollected variable to true its starts increase the dust. when i make it false its starts not working. please help me and sorry for bad english.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Dust : MonoBehaviour {

	public bool isCollected = false; // Is dust already collected or not collected.

	void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D Coll) {

		// When dust collide with player destroy collided dust and increase total dust by 1.
		// Increase process will be done in "DisplayDust.cs" Script.
		if (Coll.gameObject.tag == "Player") {
			isCollected = true; 
			Destroy (this.gameObject);



its dust script.