UIToolkit animationCurve Converter

Trying to add a AnimationCurve to my Custom control element.

If i try to add a new keyframe to the curve, your built in converter throws a fit.

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: [UxmlAttributeConverter] AnimationCurve’s KeyFrame does not have the correct format.

I also try to create a custom converter to get around it.
How can i disable the built in one? :sweat_smile:
doing [UxmlAttribute(“AnimationCurve_UxmlAttributeConverter”)] sure writes it correctly to uxml. but it still tries to run the built in converter, and thus throws error again.


Hi, could you please file a bug report?

Yup, sent!

Guess i’ll have to figure out a different method for this version since i can’t get a custom converter to function without it triggering the other one, unless i’m doing something wrong.

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You should be able to definite a custom converter and have it use that one instead. If that doesn’t work wrap the animation curve in another class and use a custom converter for that.

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Wrapping it into another class works :slight_smile: It will have to do for earlier versions of Unity 6, I did check newer unity patches, but they did not mention any fix for it, and i’m only 4 behind, but since it’s for asset, i needed a workaround.

Reason as I stated, why I could not use custom is that my custom converter still for some reason called the old built-in converter aswell when used, so that was a no go, but I wrote that in the bug report aswell. Perhaps creating converters for existing “supported” types are not supported perfectly yet. or maybe i was doing it wrong.

Thank you :slight_smile:

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