UIToolkit Experimental Animation


I was wondering if there will be a way in the near future to choose if the UI animations runs on unscaled/scaled time?

I have instances where if I tap the screen, I want the animation to play at a timescale of 3 to speed through the UI animation. Right now, it only plays on the unscaled time. I don’t see anyway to making the already playing animations play faster.

I also need to be able to set certain animations to be played with with Time.timescale and pause if I set it to 0.

Lastly, I want to be able to create a animation at start and keep it alive to play throughout the game. However, I don’t see a way to play an animation in reverse.

To summerize:

  1. Will the animation system be able to play on unscaled/scaled time.
  2. Will I be able to speed up already playing animations using Timescale or something similar?
  3. Will there be a way to play an animation in reverse so I can just say animation.PlayForward(); animation.PlayBackwards();
    4 Will the animation system be able to loop?
  4. Will there be a way to speed up a single animation
  5. Will there be a way to set specific animations to only play with scaled time? (I need to be able to pause certain UI animations when I set Time.timescale to 0)


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These are interesting questions to which we don’t have clear answers yet.

We will look at them once we start working on animation again, but this is not our current focus.

I would say though we don’t intend to make the Animation API very complex – it may change compare to its current form and as a result, we may recommend using other animation systems with Visual Elements to achieve more complex scenarios.


Thanks for looking into this! I will revisit the animation system in 2021.2. :slight_smile:

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