Any input field (IntegerField, TextField, etc) are losing focus when trying to enter a value when they are used in a cell of a MultiColumnTreeView. Same visual elements work as expected in MultiColumnListView.
See attached video in zip file (MultiColumnListView - Test Scene - Windows, Mac, Linux - Unity
Is it a known issue, do you know any workaround for it?
Bug report ref: IN-17524
Edit: Tested on latest beta 2022.2.0b8.3023
8459660–1123091–MultiColumnListView - Test Scene - Windows, Mac, Linux - Unity (359 KB)
Sorry to bump it up, but it’s a “game breaker” bug in our opinion. Knowing how slow bug reports are processed, we need at least a comment, to know what are our options with it.
Hi, I have the same issue, did you found the solution?
I’ve filed a bug report to unity, it was confirmed, but no changes since.
PS: We also gave up on using MultiColumnTreeView for now, it’s extremely slow if you have many items and/or items change often. (or maybe we don’t use it as expected) Good when you generate it once at the beginning.
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