UIToolkit: Why does Renaming Sprites Log Warnings?

In UI Builder (Unity 6), adding a Sprite reference adds its path in the uss/uxml. When moving or renaming the sprite, validation warnings are logged. Is this an intended behavior in the long term? It is quite annoying.

  • There is no quick way to fix the path (that I know of).
  • GUID reference is supported, why is the path needed in the first place?


Assets/Plugins/CCC/Code/Core.Editor/Text/TextDataElement.Dark.uss (line 2): warning: Asset reference to GUID '0f24cee22c0d20a4cb41e438547bbf42' and file ID '2800000' was renamed from 'LinkIcon_Dark' to 'PickIcon_Dark'. Update the URL 'project://database/Assets/Plugins/CCC/Code/Core.Editor/Text/LinkIcon_Dark.png?fileID=2800000&guid=0f24cee22c0d20a4cb41e438547bbf42&type=3#LinkIcon_Dark' to remove this warning.
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)